Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kawatana Ruins

Today we went to the Kawatana Ruins with Charlie and Teena. This place was used to manufacture and launch kamikaze one man subs in WWII. We did a little bit of hiking to get to a look out tower, but we had a nice afternoon. My 3 wonderful daughters.
I love the picture below of Amber

Kayleigh and Amber

Amber walking carefully back across the walkway or what is left of it anyway. There was no walkway to the other side the water wasn't to deep someone could swim across.

Amber & Autum :)

This is what was underneath the walkway. So Teena,Autum, and Amber climbed down in to take a look around.

Kayleigh making her way through the woods :) She was a trooper all day.

Amber made her way up to the top.

Amber climbing up

The girls looking down into the water, this wasn't a kid friendly place lots of holes around where you could fall through. Remember what I just said as you scroll though. Another building we went and looked in.

Kayleigh and Mommy

Amber with her clam from the sea :) The girls had Ice Cream from here they said it was really good, this was right by the water. To me it was like a mom and pop place back home.

This was the result from our day, Autum's had fell twice when we were down at the water and this was the result from her last fall. She was a trooper though and Charlie ( Teena's Hubby) was able to wash it out real good with some supplies from their car. He is a Diver and a Corpsman def what I needed around today with Autum. Can you imagine if she would of fell in, we are talking about Autum here lol

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